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The $1700 Edge (One Minute Clip)

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Her: “I’m testing the boundaries at the moment. I’m working with another teacher who you know, and just before I made an offer on this MasterClass, I had a session with her, and she had tested me and said, “Okay. Well, what do you feel comfortable offering?” kind of thing, and I felt like I handled it quite well. But I really struggled when it came to yours because there was nobody holding my hand, but I pushed myself with it as well. You were like, “Offer what’s true.” and I sat there with it and then I felt for my edges and I got to this point and I was like, “Oh, my God. I’m gonna do this thing on top of this other thing. I just did that and then I’m gonna do this”. And I was like but this is the only thing that feels right. Like I can’t, I couldn’t offer you anything else. There was nothing else I could give you that would be true. And I was just like okay, this is where I gotta go.”

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The Unwritten Tagline (An Essay)

The unwritten tagline of most coaches:

“I’ll take you to a place I haven’t even dared to go myself and I’ll use a bunch of words and embellishments and contrived positioning to convince you that I’ve got whatchu need and you’ll buy it because you can’t yet discern between what I’m saying and how I’m actually living / being which is precisely why you’re captivated by my bullshit in the first place. Thank you for your payment.”

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Deviating From What's Natural (An Essay)

When you’ve deviated from the truth and natural movements of your being (a complete betrayal to your system), the only way to live with that internal split is to distract yourself with self-created 'issues’ that would not exist (and ultimately don't) had you remained in your power (your natural state) in the first place.

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The Helliest Hell There Is (An Essay)

Living inside a NO is one of the helliest hells there is.

It’s a complete mindfuck.

It ensures you’ll continually be, and quite unsuccessfully, managing the content of the experience that you (often regrettably) said yes to, instead of enjoying the magic that’s delivered on the other side of each very exacting and undeniably brilliant NO.

It ensures that the experience you weren’t ever meant to be part of in the first place (cuz your NO fucking told you so), gets messier, uglier, louder and even more distorted and impossible to ‘resolve’, the longer you stay beyond said NO.

And until you recognize and own your original transgression (as well as each subsequent one), you’ll mistakenly point to the other (and what they are or aren’t being or doing), or to the situation itself (and all the ways it fucking blows) for why you’re so unhappy in the experience that YOU said yes to while knowing it was a NO.

You might even feel and begin to act like a victim of circumstance, and you can undoubtedly rally others to support this false narrative, but you knew from the start and you still chose to go so where is the victim in that?

It’s just easier to defer your power and call it by another name than to own it and tell it like it is.

It’s easier to blame your past for what you’re choosing and experiencing in the present than to do what needs to be done.

It’s easier to say yes ‘for’ or ‘because of’ this or that, rather than to honour that exquisite NO and take the imagined risk that such a bold move brings, without knowing why this just isn’t IT.

But you’ll learn soon enough.

You’ll inevitably discover firsthand why your system warned you against what you’re now in the midst of enduring, and are currently, often repeatedly, trying to extract yourself from.

And it’s perfect.

It was unavoidable.

And it’s all by your own design.

Because if you were seasoned enough to not do that wonky thing you do (ignoring what you know), you wouldn’t create these experiences for yourself to learn how not to get to the point where you’re at right now.

So you can’t lose regardless of how lost you feel or what you perceive you’ve lost through each ordeal, because each one effectively shows you where you veered off, and one day you just won’t.

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We're All Fucked Up (An Essay)

We’re all fucked up.

Who cares?

The human condition(ing) makes it so.


We’re all perfectly intact despite the fuckedupness.

It’s both.

Human + being.

I don’t know one human who actually has all their shit together (whatever that means).

Not one.

But I know that every being exists perfectly and beautifully beyond the human shit.

And that every human touches and experiences even more of their brilliant being, both through and because of it.

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Human vs Being (An Essay)

Human: runs from the present / dwells on the non-existent past / fears the illusory future / perpetually resists what IS (and suffers because of it) / consistently holds back truth / avoids making the true move / believes things, others, and life need(s) to be a certain way in order to feel okay / creates and then lives within endless, baseless, utterly insane stories / denies its sovereignty / blames the world and others and pretends to be a victim / takes zero responsibility for the creation and quality of its own experience / looks out instead of in…

Being: “And you wonder why you feel like shit?”

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Everyone is The One (An Essay)

The idea that there’s a ‘right’ one implies there could ever be a ‘wrong’ one.


Every being you’re dancing with is the ‘right’ one.

The most accurate and divinely prescribed one.

For precisely where you are.

Just like every moment of life.

The current moment / relationship / circumstance / configuration and all that it’s comprised of, contains exactly what’s required of / for you to clear each board as the next board takes its place.

The players may change but this truth remains the same in the customized game created solely by you.

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Breakups Aren't Necessary (An Essay)

Breakups don’t break what needs breaking.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

Being the living truth breaks what needs breaking.

Moves what needs moving.

Recalibrates every piece.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

People break up in the physical because they don’t yet know how to cut cords in the non-physical.

They’re trying to do ‘out there’ what they’ve yet to accomplish ‘in here’.

Thinking that rearranging ‘those’ things will inevitably take care of ‘these’ things.

It won’t.

Those things will remain messy things until you’ve cleaned up all these things.

Which doesn’t mean ‘stay together’ (even that’s not ultimately real).

It means there’s no need to contrive an end.

The separation / split you seek happens of its own accord through energetic truth (integrity); not through an intellectual decision or an emotional reaction.

There is absolutely no way you can be in complete integrity (which almost no one is) AND be in a dynamic that requires severing something in the physical.

From that erect place you can and will still apply any true move, which may of course include a physical separation.

But the work and the break is done in the unseen.

The rest follows suit quite naturally.

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Diving In Unobstructed (An Essay)

The thing about being energetically erect and intact (one’s natural state), and not playing (making moves) unless and until it’s still, is that it perfectly fucks with whatever matter I’m currently holding on to.

The exact shit that’s here to be burned by the fire of ME.

It also perfectly fucks with the shit of whoever I’m playing with.

If there are any strings of attachment (hoping / waiting / needing / trying / expecting / victimizing / or whatever other bullshit that needs to go), I don’t touch it.

Because it’s an energetic turn off.

But if I feel turned on despite and because of the matter, it means that the shit is ready to get fucked up and I’m the bitch to do it.

Ultimately though, I play where it’s clear.

Where I sense no limits, no restrictions, no actual end in sight.

Just a wide open space to dive into unobstructed.

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